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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday

Audio version is here.

A study out of Great Britain claims that finger-length can reliably predict a child’s future scores on the SAT. Coming soon: “Baby Einstein” brand finger-stretchers.

A joint American/Irish group of scientists have discovered that sharks can conceive and give birth without mating. “I was shocked by the findings,” said one researcher. “I remember yelling, ‘Jesus Christ!’”

Finally, a California man died yesterday after a golf cart he was driving veered out of control and plunged off a cliff. “We’re still figuring out exactly what happened,” said a police spokesman. “But one thing I can tell you is: A lot of old white guys just got religion.”


  1. Mike,
    Pls keep posting the text of your newsbreaks too...

    Great stuff, dude.

    When are your witing the next Barry Trotter epic?

  2. Thanks, Mandar! I'm really glad you're enjoying them.

    I just forgot to post the text this time.

    I would love to write another Barry, as soon as I can find a publisher to do it.

    Thanks again for writing!
