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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Newsbreaks for Thursday

Audio version is here.

Japanese scientists have created a way to store words and symbols in the DNA of bacteria. This form of data storage would last as long as the species survives, even a million years. On the other hand, it gives new meaning to the phrase, “That book made me sick.”

Clean-tech has come to the bathroom. A British company is now offering a new toilet that uses air to flush instead of water, which it says is cleaner, more hygienic, and better for the environment. Fine—just as long as it never goes backwards.

And finally, a Denver woman has become the first-ever survivor of “an internal decapitation.” Last January, Shannon Malloy was in a car accident which separated her skull from her spine, yet left her neck attached. Three months later, she isn’t even paralyzed, and her prognosis looks good. But she will have to suffer the embarrassment of “floppy head.”

1 comment:

  1. On the air toilet, well, in the words of that famous sailor Popeye, “Well, blow me down.”

    Of course when your new air toilet does not work correctly we can consult with the CIA who are experts on “blowback.”

    Will we still be able to flush baby alligators down the toilet?

    Can I hook my vacuum cleaner up to an air toilet to extend its range?

    Will I still be able to wash my feet in the toilet?
