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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Newsbreaks for Thursday

Audio version is here.

When asked today about the latest Congressional proposal for a timetable on Iraq, President Bush said, “We reject that idea.” We? Sounds like somebody’s been spending too much time with the Queen.

Still, there seems to be movement towards a compromise. “My terms are these,” said the President. “If the Democrats can come up with a prudent, responsible bill, I promise to blame them for everything that happens after that.”

And finally, Tony Blair announced today that he would step down on June 27. “I am proud of what we’ve accomplished,” Blair said. “Together, we’ve turned this great nation into something even greater: a tweedy version of Puerto Rico.”

1 comment:

  1. We (The queen and me) shall miss that little scamp Tony Blair. Though he reminds us (The king and me) of a toad in the hole his accomplishments in Iraq with King George II are truly a milestone, nay a veritable benchmark, in the annals of history. And if the donkeys ever came up with a responsible bill we could all step down. Maybe take a vacation, perhaps a cruise of the Caribbean and visit the island where Columbus hung some Indians a historical beginning and the first benchmark of what was to become a popular American tradition.
