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Monday, May 7, 2007

Newsbreaks for Monday

Audio version is here.

Over the weekend, the New York Yankees signed star pitcher Roger Clemens. Mr. Clemens, whose late-career resurgence has caused whispers around the league, denied the $28 million contract includes a prescription drug benefit.

A new study by the Pew Research Center comes to some interesting conclusions about Americans’ use of cell phones and the internet. Basically, Americans are divided into three groups: 31 percent are elite technology users, 20 percent are moderate users and the remainder is…mom.

And finally, this morning two school busses in New Jersey collided. Details are still emerging, but we know one thing for sure: right after it happened, some kid yelled, “Ooo!”

No children were killed, thank goodness, but it’s clear the accident will have long-term effects. “Events like these traumatize kids deeply,” said a local child therapist. “We’re in the money…we’re in the money…”

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