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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday

Audio version is here.

The World Health Organization has announced that using a water pipe to smoke tobacco may be just as harmful as smoking cigarettes. This reverses the popular belief among American users, who never thought of using it to smoke tobacco.

A New York pit bull with severe heart and lung problems has been saved by a unique remedy: Viagra. God, I hope this doesn’t catch on. You thought being bitten by a pit bull was bad…

And finally, Scientists in New Zealand have created a genetically modified cow that produces low-fat milk. Of course, they don’t look so great.

Next up: chocolate milk.

1 comment:

  1. So when will they make a cow that can produce milk shakes, that is what I want to know. I understand it goes really well with those water pipes. I thought water pipes were what houses were plumbed with but you learn something new every day.
