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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

Audio version is here.

Frustrated by last week’s Presidential veto, the Democrats are proposing another plan to end the quagmire in Iraq. But the White House isn’t interested. “This plan is just bad management,” spokesman Tony Snow said. “And we sure as hell know THAT when we see it.”r

An Israeli archaeologist claims he has found the tomb of King Herod, the legendary builder of ancient Jerusalem. The tomb is in the ancient city of Herodium—which seems like a pretty big hint, don’t you think?

Here in Los Angeles, it was announced that a man has received a used heart—one that had been transplanted before. But what’s really surprising is, he found the heart on Craigslist.

And finally, today in Taiwan, the two major political parties had an honest-to-God brawl over the details of a bill…I don’t know Taiwanese politics any better than you do, but if you look closely at this photo, you can clearly see who started it.

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