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Monday, April 9, 2007

Newsbreaks for Monday

Audio version is here.

Yesterday’s annual Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn didn’t go as well as planned. One reason was the unseasonably wintry weather. Another was the President’s acting like a total baby.

An egg roll is a race where children use large spoons to roll eggs around a predetermined course. Yesterday’s event devolved into chaos after the President began rolling his egg, then refused to set a timetable for the race’s completion.

He said that doing so would “send a mixed message to my opponents.”

In an attempt to salvage the day, First Lady Laura Bush read "Duck for President," by Doreen Cronin. The book—rumored to be from George’s personal collection—tells of a duck who gets sick of farm chores and decides to run for president. It’s really a sweet story—everyone tells the duck to give up, but he keeps trying, and just when it looks like he’s about to lose, the Supreme Court gives him the job.


  1. Hey mike,

    I really liked the newsbreaks today.


  2. Thanks, Smac! I don't usually talk much about Bush, simply because after 7 years, what's left to say? It feels like making quips about a bad car wreck. But sometimes it just leaps out...
