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Friday, April 13, 2007

Newsbreaks for Friday

Audio version is here.

This morning, an anti-war activist crashed President Bush’s speech at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. Bush ignored her, but as she was dragged off, he did ask an aide, “Who let in the Christian?”

The Chinese government is launching a new crackdown on online pornography. That makes a lot of sense. With a population of 1.3 billion, the last thing you’d want to encourage is masturbation.

An Indonesian jet packed with passengers was forced to turn around over India after a test-fired missile streaked by in front of it. No one on the jet was injured, but there WAS a humungous line for the bathroom.

British scientists have discovered a gene that contributes to obesity. In their study, people who carried two copies of the FTO gene weighed 7 pounds more than people who just had one. That first copy’s tiny—but that second one’s as big as your head.

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