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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Newsbreaks for Thursday

Audio version is here.

Scientists in San Francisco said they have discovered a new, potentially deadly strain of bacteria previously unknown to medicine. In microbiology, this is called “looking for trouble.”

The strain was contracted by a woman who was traveling in Peru. Scientists don’t know how it’s spread, but they think it might be that creepy music.

DNA samples from the extinct wooly mammoth reveals that the demise of that species was not caused suddenly by a comet, disease, or overhunting. Instead, it happened slowly, through a gradual loss of genetic diversity. In other words, the red states will go away, but it may take a little time.

After months of tension over a proposed American missile defense shield, today Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled his own counterproposal. Instead of basing the missiles in the Czech Republic, Putin suggests “…how ‘bout not and say we did?”

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, thanks for the great jokes, they seem to just get better and better. You know I was thinking about Putin and his new proposal for sharing the burden of watching out for non-existent in-coming missiles he offered to Bush. It reminded me of a person trying to approach a really mean looking dog, not being sure if it was rabid or not, and holding out a doggy biscuit to appease the snarling beast.

    I loved your analogy of the extinct mammoth and the red states and have been racking my feeble mind as to how we could speed nature up, give it a helping hand. I live in a rural area which is amazingly non-diverse. The other day I saw an Asian for the first time in months and I was so happy I ran up to him and gave him a hug and all my money. He told me he was lost and thought he was in a Daniel Boone theme park and I had to break the bad news to him that this part of the country was actually a very sad part of reality. After showing him around he broke down and cried and said “Here, you poor fool, take your money back for you have my undying pity and I could not bear to take anything from a person who lives in such a place” after which I broke down and cried as well. He kindly offered to adopt me as his long lost son and will take me back to China with him and after accepting his offer we both broke down and started weeping all over again.
