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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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San Francisco Giants' slugger Barry Bonds arrived at spring training today, a day later than the rest of the team. When asked about the delay, Bonds said, "I had trouble finding a vein."

A Federal appeals court ruled today that people detained at Guantanamo Bay by the American military cannot appeal their detention in civil court. In other words, if you want to be let out, you have to ask the people responsible for throwing you in...Oh, someday we'll look back on these years and laugh. Or something.

The world's most premature baby Amilia Taylor, who was born after only 22 weeks in the womb, is just about ready to go home with her parents. Doctors at the Miami hospital where the baby was born last October say little Amilia's prospects are good, but want to keep her a few more days. "If we keep her any longer than that," said a doctor, "we're afraid she might try to escape."

And finally, today is Fat Tuesday, and that means one thing: New Orleans is celebrating. The good news is, only 18 months after Katrina, tourism has been strong. But down in the Big Easy, there's still one question on everybody's mind: can the levees take all that pee and vomit?

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