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Thursday, June 3, 2004

A whole bunch of links!

Here's the NYTimes' mostly enthusiastic review of the Harry Potter movie. I'll be seeing it this weekend, thanks.

The Village Voice has delivered the latest installment of its enlightening, depressing "Generation Debt" series. This one is about widespread student apathy. (There's also a good one about the horrible hustle that is grad school.) Here's my take on student apathy: students are ambitious, and idealistic, and believe that they--not macroeconomic forces, legislative decisions, or anything else--will determine their future prosperity. The alternative is simply too depressing. Students are even more likely, I think, than the rest of us to identify with the bosses, and not the bossed. Also, there's a powerful myth in our country that college is the last, best time of irresponsibility (until you get elected to public office). Marching against tuition cuts is a buzz-kill, without the glamor and radical chic of marching against, say, female circumcision. But all this having been said, the article's right--students really ought to start organizing. They are getting screwed.

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