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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

McKinney review on "Fresh Air"

Okay, so I'm going through one of my "periods" where everything is about The Beatles. Everybody should probably just sit tight until it passes. Here's a great commentary about Devin McKinney's book Magic Circles on Fresh Air.

I don't much like celebrating birthdays--I think it's dangerous to pack too much fun into one 24-hour period, making the rest of life seem like a dull, uninviting wasteland--but Kate did her best, getting me some of the cologne I wear and a great pedometer, which I can't wait to take for a spin! As my birthday present to myself, I went crazy at Quimby's Queer Store, a great great great book and magazine store here in Chicago. I am getting to the age where its just silly that I don't have the books that I want; I bought a collection of American Splendor, and about five volumes of The Complete Crumb (by cartoonist R. Crumb). Really, really wonderful!

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