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Friday, December 5, 2003

Long time no blog...

...but at least it hasn't been 2,500 years. English roadway workers have just unearthed a skeleton in a chariot buried 500 BC.

After a marginally interesting post such as that one, the question each of you must ask yourselves is, "Why am I not reading Ed Page's Danger Blog instead?" He just sent me an email full of hysterically funny stuff by and about Conan O'Brien. I'm man enough to admit when somebody's funnier than I am, and Conan's funnier than I am.

That having been said, Barry Trotter and the Unnecessary Sequel is kicking ass in Britain, while the first book is running roughshod in Germany. And there's an as-yet-untitled Number Three in the works...Watch this space for more details...

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