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Saturday, August 16, 2003

A thought concerning the blackout...

I'm here in Chicago, so it didn't get us, but after reading this article in The New York Times, about the interconnectedness of electric power grids, their vulnerability, our dependence, and the absurd impossibility of protecting them, I had a vision of the future.

Since the infrastructure of the First World (for lack of a better term) is incredibly advanced, but fragile, our only option for long-term stability is to extend that infrastructure everywhere. Whether they want it or not. Only mutual, complete (inter)dependence can possibly prevent individuals from bringing it all down on our heads.

Does this scare me? Yes, it does, because I think there are a lot of people who don't WANT to live like the First World does. But unless the entire world becomes the First World, how else can we exist?

In happier news, Kate and I went to Beatlefest last night. Great fun! No Sgt. Pepper in mono, however. (Here's an article about that, in case you wonder why I care.)

In still happier news, before heading out to the convention, I finished the first complete draft of my college comedy novel. Now the fun part begins--the revisions!

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