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Sunday, July 27, 2003

I gotta get Simon Schama's History of Britain...

...which was reviewed today in the Times. If the books are 1/10th as fascinating as the television program (and books usually surpass that with ease, for me at least), I must have them in my library. I'm also reading Gibbon, which is slow going but amazingly rich.

Last night Kate and I saw "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen," which wasn't very extraordinary. More's the pity, because the comic books are spectacular. I highly recommend them to anyone reading this blog. Anyway, I found Harry Knowles review right on the money, if you're interested.

And then there's Freddy Vs. Jason, of course. How anybody who grew up in the 80s could resist this movie is beyond me...And here's how Ain't It Cool News is planning to celebrate.

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