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Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Here's an RFK quote from 1968...

1968! You tell me we've moved one inch since then:

"The [next] priority for change - the first element of a new politics for the United States - is in our policy toward the world. Too much and for too long, we have acted as if our great military might and wealth could bring about an American solution to every world problem..."

Note that this is the FIRST element; without changing that attitude, none of the rest of the changes can be made. Until we learn to look at the world in a different way, we'll remain trapped in war after war, conflicts that not only kill our citizens and drain our treasury, but isolate us and necessarily contain the seeds of the next war. The best outcome is a temporary, expensive victory (see the first Gulf War), but that's unlikely the longer we go down this road, getting sysmatically weaker, more despised by others, and more cynical ourselves.

Remember to vote. You, too, Wesian--I figure if dead people are allowed to vote here in Illinois, Malaysians should be okay, too :-).

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