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Friday, April 2, 2004

Book lovers are an angry lot...

...these days. Luckily for the Princes of Power, our rage pours out in nothing more threatening than letters to the editor and screeds like this one wherein the author gives a laundry list of everything conspiring to thwart literacy and literature. Writing and selling books has never been motivated by the same things as other forms of capitalism; there is more than a whiff of addiction to it all. And anything created for reasons other than pure profit will have a hard time in our present world.

Still, I can't help feeling blue when yet another shop of the crammed and warren-like type I love shuts its doors. I guess I oughta pull a Larry McMurtry and start one myself. There will be cats, couches, and a great humor section...

Just finished Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse. It's slated for the Fall--watch this space for details...

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