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Friday, May 2, 2003

Mindfulness and world peace? How about frequent nudity?

As somebody who meditates (though not as often as I should), I was particularly interested in this Op-Ed by the Dalai Lama in the New York Times. He describes how meditation--specifically to cultivate a sense of "mindfulness"--is being shown in the lab to help improve impulse control and lessen negative mental states like fear, sadness and anger. Anybody out there who has the least glimmer of interest in meditation, I would encourage them to investigate it without hesitation. (I also like Zen philosophy, too--deeply funny stuff.)

And while the Yale I remember was not as clothing-optional as this gentleman's apparently was, I think they might be onto something. Back in W's day, that sort of thing was confined to the Senior Societies (like Skull and Bones); but now everybody's doing it. Smells like progress--or maybe somebody simply needs a shower...

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