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Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Everything Borowitz...

This site is rapidly becoming your one-stop destination for all things Andy Borowitz. This morning a correspondent wrote: "Minor correction for your website--Andy Borowitz was Harvard class of '80.So we're talking moments before Reagan was elected." Which fits even more snugly with my whole "product of the Disco Generation" or however you want to characterize that train of thought. This came a few days after an email from the man himself, who said the following on the subject: "...I thought the WSJ piece, while extremely flattering, may have been a little misleading on this issue of anger, or the lack of it, in my comedy. It's true that I'm not an angry GUY -- given the incredible good luck I've had in life, that would be fairly uncalled for. But as for the seeming lack of anger in my comedy, that's more an issue of style than of substance.

"I think that the genial, cheery surface of my writing is more likely to be subversive, inviting the reader in, than if I were writing angry rants, as seems to be the preference of some other writers these days. But it would be hard, if not impossible, to write satire without a barbed point of view under that surface. Who Moved My Soap? [AB's new book--MG] is probably a good example of a silly-seeming book for which rage is the engine, but if you read it you'll judge for yourself." Our subsequent chat revealed Andy to be a cordial and interesting guy.

In non-Borowitz news, I just finished an interview for El Pais, Spain's biggest newspaper. Barry Trotter 1 is coming out there in June. In the next day or two, I'll put the English text up for any of you having trouble sleeping...

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