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Tuesday, November 19, 2002

A Reading, and a Roundup

People at Chicago's After-Words Bookstore (23 E. Illinois St) have extremely unwisely asked me to do a reading at their store this Friday, Nov. 22nd at 8pm. So anybody in the area who would like to endure two hours of mumbled punchlines and half-bemused muttering, shouldn't miss it! In more Barry news, it continues to sell like crack in Britain. In a show of solidarity Kate and I have been eating a lot of bangers and mash...

Recently opened medical records reveal that JFK was an utter wreck…Fans of the Sub-Mariner (and who isn't?) check out this site…There's a new Strong Bad email introducing his website…

And finally, this is GREAT: a piece Jon and I wrote for the Village Voice this Spring, "Why the ____s Hate the ____s," has been circulating the 'net like crazy. Here it is translated into Serbo-Croatian; then in a Albanian magazine. When we submitted it to The New Yorker, they said, "Gee, it seems a bit pat." If your biggest problem is getting your kid into the best $18,000/year preschool, yeah, I guess it is...

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