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Thursday, October 8, 2009

White sharks in Santa Monica Bay!

I gotta say, this cheered me up no end; it's a photo snapped by a local surfer last weekend. I love me some white sharks, and to know that at least one ten-footer is cruising around (and leaping into the air!) less than a mile from where I am typing this makes me QUITE EXCITED!!!! [cue Jaws music]

You can read the full story here. Oh, and by the way, if there's any other Westsiders who've wondered about those shark photos stuck up on utility boxes all over the place, here's the skinny on them, too. I didn't do it, but wish I had.


  1. I think Barry must be inside with LON en Erm, don't you think!!!! And they think Muggles don't see this kinda stuff, it's clearly the travel by SHRK! Brilliant!

  2. Thanks, Joel. Fixed. The first link goes to the LA Times piece about white sharks in Samo Bay, the second to the posters all over the Westside.
