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Thursday, June 5, 2008

"The Second Gun"

Today is the fortieth anniversary of RFK's being shot here in Los Angeles. (He died a day later.) Though his murder is commonly thought to be open-and-shut--"crazy Palestinian enraged over the sale of fighter jets to Israel, et cetera"--unfortunately this is not the case. While it has never taken on the Byzantine permutations of his brother's murder, as with the Martin Luther King assassination, the passage of time and the accrual of information increasingly suggests dark dealings were afoot.

The main discrepancy in RFK's murder is how the number and direction of the shots fired by Sirhan do not match up with the wounds suffered by Kennedy and others, most specifically RFK's fatal shot, which LA Coroner Thomas Noguchi put at behind the ear, from roughly point blank range. Given that there seem to be shots from two directions, and too many shots for Sirhan's eight-shot revolver, the question is: who else was shooting? The main candidate is right-wing rent-a-cop Thane Eugene Cesar.

This theory is put forth in the 1972 video below, which I've attempted to find for years; it's out-of-print and nobody could ever get me a copy, so I thank whoever posted it on Google Video). While some aspects of its construction (reenactments, suggestive montage) make it obvious that it is far from objective, its points are succinctly made and difficult to refute. And there's a wealth of footage and photography.

Fascinating, and depressing. I embed it below...with the knowledge that perhaps there are better ways to honor RFK. Given my choice, I'd opt for vigorous sex with movie stars. I wouldn't even care if the FBI was taping it.

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