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Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King, RIP

Spare a thought today, from the heart, for Martin Luther King, probably the greatest citizen this country has ever produced. Assassinated forty years ago today.

Also consider using the phrase "by gum" in a sentence.

Those interested in how the world really works should consider listening to these two podcasts, courtesy of radio station KPFA's "Guns and Butter" program. In them, lawyer and writer William Pepper outlines what took place on April 4, 1968. (Hint: it wasn't one crazy guy going crazy.)


  1. Hey Michael; Just to let you know that I have just visited the Stutts U web site. Really enjoyed the tour. I feel that I have a personal investment in the school as my name IS Stutts, and my younger brother is Michael. Can we expect reduced rates for our kids?

  2. Of course! You don't mind them having to do work-study as lab subjects, do you? The tests are mostly harmless and even the ones that aren't help move science more-or-less forward (depending on what the corporate co-sponsors want to do). If things turn out really badly, the students are buried on the Common; many of the others buried there are quite famous (Stutts presidents, poets, scions, etc). After all, to be remembered gloriously is all a true Stuttsie wants, anyway.
