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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

I say unto you, "Boola Boola."

I went to college at Yale and, let's be honest, have never really gotten over it. With Bush '68 flinging mayhem from the White House like some kind of fundamentalist toddler, and so many of the biggest pustules of neo-conservatism having a New Haven stop in their careers, it's damn hard to be proud of Yale these days. Scratch anything particularly horrible, and you tend to find Yalies--too often providing the rationale for why it may SEEM despicable and greedy and short-sighted and utterly immoral, but it's really okay.

But THIS I am deeply proud of. It was performed at this year's Harvard/Yale football game. Forget US News rankings; the measure of any college is the quality of its pranks.

Does Harvard suck? Probably no more than any other fantastically wealthy and complacent institution. But it's excellent that some Yalies care enough to pose the question. We'll see if they move on to the bigger issues. If Harvard sucks, then...? Pretty soon, you're living in a commune in Costa Rica, happily hand-weaving hats out of sisal and selling them to tourists, and not even reading the Class Notes section of the Alumni Magazine.

Actually, that sounds pretty good.

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