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Tuesday, January 27, 2004

An infrequent political aside

Several of you have mentioned that I don't talk politics much on this blog. That's because I find Bush and his cronies utterly depressing and despicable. Furthermore, I think that anybody who can't see that by now--we've had three-plus years to see very clearly what the man is about--is either willfully blind, manifesting learned helplessness, or cynically convinced that what's good for GWB will be good for him/herself personally. Nobody likes taxes, knuckleheads; it's just that some of us think that returning to the Gilded Age is worse. And that cynicism is the opposite of patriotism--that's why the Bushies wave the flag so HARD.

If you feel like I do, even a little, I wanted to bring the following to your attention. has created an anti-Bush ad; CBS has refused to run it. With "The Reagans," Les Moonves has shown that programming decisions are responsive to outside pressure. Push him to play fair by signing this petition.

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