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Friday, June 13, 2003

Gregory Peck, great actor, all-around Good Egg

I must admit that, after having read the obituary in the Times this morning, I'm feeling quite fond of the late actor Gregory Peck. Here's something from the article:

"A staunch advocate of nuclear disarmament, he said in an interview on the "Today" program: "I would give up everything I do and everything I have if I could make a significant difference in getting the nuclear arms race reversed. It is the No. 1 priority in my life."

When he received the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award in 1989, he warned of the dangers in having "all pictures and television" made by "two or three of these behemoths who happen also to own magazines, newspapers and cable stations."

The obit also goes on to add that Peck was Founding Chairman of the American Film Institute, and also headed the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. But more than any one honor or achievement, one gets a sense of somebody who did their job well, and applied a high standard of morality and courage throughout his life. And get this: he dated Ava Gardner, Sophia Loren, and Audrey Hepburn! Who says virtue isn't rewarded?

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