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Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Typo in the NY Times

Eagle-eye Schwarz sends this, from today's Times:

"With large antiwar demonstrations expected again this weekend, Mr. Bush is also aware that the longer inspections go on, the greater the risk of declining public support. The work of the weapons inspectors has created a burgeoning perception that inspections backed by the threat of force can lead more effectively to Iraq's disarmament, while also containing the threat he poses to the West."

/Don't see it? Jon will help: "As you'll notice, "he" apparently refers to George Bush."

Also, Michael Moore's book, "Stupid White Men," won Book of the Year in Britain last night. Here's the BBC coverage. Dig the caption: "Moore's book was originally shelved by US publishers." Sound familiar? Barry's going to start its 22nd week on the list next Sunday--go rejected books, go!

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