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Monday, January 27, 2003

Trouble at the UCB

In haste: Matt Fogel sends this article regarding the closure of the UCB space on W. 22nd St in NYC, for building violations. They say it's too expensive to fix, and even if it weren't, they don't own the building anyway. There seems to be a lot of goodwill, but wouldn't it be nice if somebody who'd really made some dough in the comedy business swooped in and either (1) bought the building and fixed it or (2) simply fixed it? If the UCB is indeed the only place in NYC to see quality improv--and it was when I was there--and is feeding more and more people into the axis of NYC comedy (Conan, SNL, Letterman) you'd think that something could be done; a lot of people have made a lot of money from what's gone on there, and will continue to do so in the future--but only if something exists. Here's hopin', anyway.

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